About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Juan S Cabrera


I am a dedicated and committed person to finish a job in conditions. I have great knowledge in Software and Hardware, this allows me to detect the problem quickly and keeping patience on all things, I am willing to expand my knowledge of development and web applications according to the requirements of the given project.

Creator of Duodecim Studio & Trekkie Chat Application

Full Stack Developer

Mas Proyectos dentro de mi repositorio de Github


Solution Provider

    Working on Environments like :

  • Javascript , ES6 , Typescript , Jquery Framework.
  • Angular 2-4-5-6 Framework.
  • PHP, laravel 5.7 Framework.
  • Java, Spring Boot Framework.
  • Phonegap , Ionic 3 Framework , Framework 7.
  • CSS, SCSS, Material , Materialize , Bootstrap 3, 4, Phaser 3.
  • NodeJS, Apache , nginx , Ajax , Mysql , mariaDB , JSON , Firebase , FireStore , GIT , Bitbucket, Composer , Docker.
  • Google Cloud Plataform, Visual Studio Code , WebStorm , Eclipse photon - oxygen , Android Studio , AMPPS.
  • Wordpress, PHPBB.

Working Arround the World


Working arround the world with clients from Honduras, Argentina, Germany, Puerto Rico. Professionally Speaking with order and clarity & Professionally Structure Programming writing.